Live Project Based SAS 6 weeks training in Noida

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KVCH India program builds a powerful training tool that can be implemented in classrooms as well as in the industry. We offer wide range of programs for Live Project 6 weeks SAS Training in Noida under the guidance of the best experts. We are continuously awarded for the past 10 years as the Best 6 weeks SAS training Institute in Noida.

Six weeks SAS Training in Noida includes from basic to advance level modules designed for both students and working professionals.

Globalization has brought up with new opportunities in the market creating a pool of jobs for the graduate students. In order to hold up with the everyday growing demand the universities holds the responsibilities to produce students with excellent skills and experience.

6 weeks Based SAS Training Course in Noida is very essential to make student who is pursuing MCA, B.Tech, BCA, BBA, MBA course and they should be aware of the real working environment in industries and to prepare them to handle any kind of obstacles that occur. It is a roadway that allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge practically and opens door to new opportunities. At KVCH, we assure that the performance of each student is up to the standards of the IT industry.

At KVCH once the student opts for 6 weeks SAS Training they get to experience the real working environment of the IT industry. Our team of expert senior trainers work together to ensure the development of set of skills for each individual. Our experts with hands-on experience on the technology and working experience makes sure to deliver the best to the students while working on LIVE project.

KVCH is the renowned 6 weeks SAS Training Center in Noida providing world class education to students.


Accredited Curriculum

Learn from the Experts

Professional Certificate

Guranteed Career Growth

Placement Assistance

Earn a Valuable Certificate

Course Description

Training in SAS is a modular 6 weeks course. The course curriculum of Training in SAS comprises of

      SAS Programming 1: Essentials

      1. Introduction

    • An overview of SAS foundation
    • Course logistics
    • Course data files
    • 2. SAS Programs

    • Introduction to SAS programs
    • Submitting a SAS program
    • Working with SAS program syntax
    • 3. Accessing Data

    • Examining SAS data sets
    • Accessing SAS libraries
    • 4. Producing Detail Reports

    • Submitting report data
    • Sorting and grouping report data
    • Enhancing reports
    • 5. Formatting Data Values

    • Using SAS formats
    • Creating user-defined formats
    • 6. Reading SAS Data Sets

    • Reading a SAS data set
    • Customizing a SAS data set
    • 7. Reading Spreadsheet and Database Data

    • Reading spreadsheet data
    • Reading database data
    • 8. Reading Raw Data Files

    • Introduction to reading raw data files
    • Reading standard delimited data
    • Reading nonstandard delimited data
    • Handling missing data
    • 9. Manipulating Data

    • Using SAS functions
    • Conditional processing
    • 10. Combining SAS Data Sets

    • Concatenating data sets
    • Merging data sets one-to-one
    • Merging data sets one-to-many
    • Merging data sets with nonmatches
    • 11. Creating Summary Reports

    • Using the FREQ procedure
    • Using the MEANS and UNIVARIATE procedures
    • Using the Output Delivery System
    • 12. Learning More

    • SAS resources
    • Next steps
    • SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques

      1. Introduction

    • An overview of SAS foundation
    • Course logistics
    • Course data files
    • 2. Controlling Input and Output

    • Writing observations explicitly
    • Writing to multiple SAS data sets
    • Selecting variables and observations
    • 3. Summarizing Data

    • Creating an accumulating total variable
    • Accumulating totals for a group of data
    • 4. Reading Raw Data Files

    • Reading raw data files with formatted input
    • Controlling when a record loads
    • 5. Data Transformations

    • Manipulating character values
    • Manipulating numeric values
    • Converting variable type
    • 6. Debugging Techniques

    • Using the PUTLOG statement
    • 7. Processing Data Iteratively

    • DO loop processing
    • Conditional DO loop processing
    • SAS array processing
    • Using SAS arrays
    • 8. Restructuring a Data Set

    • Rotating with the DATA step
    • 9. Combining SAS Data Sets

    • Using data manipulation techniques with match-merging
    • 10. Creating and Maintaining Permanent Formats

    • Creating permanent formats
    • 11. Other SAS Languages

    • An overview of other languages
    • Using the SQL procedure
    • The SAS macro language