Live Project Based Embedded Systems 6 months training in Noida

KVCH India program builds a powerful training tool that can be implemented in classrooms as well as in the industry. We offer wide range of programs for Live Project 6 Months Embedded Systems Training in Noida under the guidance of the best industrial experts. We are continuously awarded for the past 10 years as the Best 6 months Embedded Systems training Institute in Noida.
Six Months Embedded Systems Training in Noida includes from basic to advance level modules designed for both students and working professionals.
Globalization has brought up with new opportunities in the market creating a pool of jobs for the graduate students. In order to hold up with the everyday growing demand the universities holds the responsibilities to produce students with excellent skills and experience.
6 Months Based Embedded Systems Training Course in Noida is very essential to make student who is pursuing MCA, B.Tech, BCA, BBA, MBA course and they should be aware of the real working environment in industries and to prepare them to handle any kind of obstacles that occur. It is a roadway that allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge practically and opens door to new opportunities. At KVCH, we assure that the performance of each student is up to the standards of the IT industry.
At KVCH once the student opts for 6 months Embedded Systems Training they get to experience the real working environment of the IT industry. Our team of expert senior trainers work together to ensure the development of set of skills for each individual. Our experts with hands-on experience on the technology and working experience makes sure to deliver the best to the students while working on LIVE project.
KVCH is the renowned 6 months Embedded Systems Training Center in Noida providing world class education to students.

Accredited Curriculum

Learn from the Experts

Professional Certificate

Guranteed Career Growth

Placement Assistance

Earn a Valuable Certificate
Course Description
Industrial Training in Embedded Systems is a modular 6 months course. The course curriculum of Industrial Training in Embedded Systems comprises of
- 1 Introduction to Embedded System
- PIC Microcontroller Introduction
- Software Installation
- 2 GPIO Programming Introduction – Theory
- LED Interfacing with PIC - Theory
- Practical : Glowing LEDs in a pattern or your choice.
- LED Matrix & LED Matrix Displays - Theory
- Practical 1 : Generating Patterns on LED Matrix
- Practical 2: Displaying Alphabets & Numbers on LED Matrix
- 3 Project 1: LED Matrix Advertisement Display
- 4 Seven Segment Displays - Theory
- Practical 3: Displaying Digits on Seven Segment Display
- Project 2: Digital Clock using 4 Seven Segment Displays
- Buzzer Interfacing with PIC - Theory
- Practical 4: Generating Beeps through Buzzer
- 5 Graphical LCD Introduction & Interfacing with PIC - Theory
- Practical 5: Displaying Characters on GLCD
- 6 GLCD Continued..
- Practical 6: Displaying Pictures on GLCD
- Practical 7: Creating animations on GLCD
- 7 Switch Interfacing with PIC – Theory
- Practical 8: ON/OFF LED/Buzzer with a Switch
- Project 3: Stop Watch using Seven Segment Displays & a Switch
- 8 Keypad Interfacing with PIC – Theory
- Practical 9: Writing text on GLCD using Keypad
- Project 4: Car Game using Keypad and GLCD
- 9 ADC Programming – Theory
- IR Sensors & Applications - Theory
- Practical 10: Detecting White & Black Surface
- Project 5: Visitor counter using IR and 7 Segment Display
- Project 6: Wireless Remote using IR & Keypad
- 10 Pyroelectric IR & TSOP – Theory
- Practical 11: Decoding TV Remote Control Inputs
- Project 7: TV Remote Controlled LED Matrix Display
- 11 Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor - Theory
- Practical 12: Detecting Motion using PIR Sensor
- Project 8 : Anti Theft System for Homes
- Relays - Theory
- Practical 13 : Operating Solenoid Valve/100W Bulb using Relay
- Project 9 : Automatic Water Tap using PIR & Solenoid Valve
- 12 Interfacing Capacitive Touch Screen with PIC - Theory
- Practical 14: Displaying Touch screen coordinates on GLCD
- Practical 15: Calibrating Touch Screen with GLCD
- Project 10: Drawing Touch Pad
- 13 Touch HMIs – Theory
- Project 11: Making Printer HMI using GLCD & Capacitive Touch
- 14 Revision & Queries
- 15 PWM – Theory
- Interfacing speaker with PIC - Theory
- Practical 16: Generating different tones from speaker
- Project 12: Graphical Touch Piano using GLCD, Touch Screen & Speaker
- 16 EEPROM – Theory
- Practical 17 : Storing & Reading data from EEPROM
- Project 13 : Recording & Playing tones with Graphical Piano
- 17 Accelerometer Interfacing with PIC - Theory
- Practical 18 : Reading & displaying accelerometer values on GLCD
- Project 14 : Surface Level Indicator using Accelerometer, GLCD & Touch
- Project 15 : Ball Puzzle Game using LED Matrix & Accelerometer
- 18 DC Motor Interfacing with PIC – Theory
- Practical 19: Automatic rotation in forward & backward direction
- Project 16: Self Balancing Robot using DC Motors & Accelerometer
- Project 17: Propeller Display
- 19 Stepper Motor Interfacing with PIC - Theory
- Practical 20: Rotating Steper Motor at a particular Angle
- Project 18: Automatic Moving Camera Stand which records movement given by keypad & moves accordingly
- 20 Servo Motor Interfacing with PIC – Theory
- Practical 21: Rotating servo at a specific angle
- Project 19: Mini CNC Drawing Machine with Graphical Touch HMI
- 21 Temperature Sensor Interfacing with PIC - Theory
- Practical 22: Displaying sensor values on GLCD
- Project 20: Digital Thermometer
- Project 21: High Temperature Alarm with Graphical Touch HMI
- 22 RFID Module Interfacing with PIC – Theory
- Practical 23: Reading RFID Tags and displaying value on GLCD
- Project 22: RFID based Door Lock
- 23 Zigbee Interfacing with PIC – Theory
- Practical 24 : Sending/Receiving data via zigbee
- Project 23 : Digital Piano with wireless Touch Keyboard
- 24 Bluetooth Interfacing with PIC – Theory
- Practicle 25: Sending/Receiving data via bluetooth
- Project 24: 2-Player Tic Tac Toe Game with Touch HMI
- 25 GSM Module interfacing with PIC – Theory
- AT Commands - Theory
- Practical 26 : Retrieving & displaying network information on GLCD
- Practical 27 : Sending/Receiving SMS
- Practical 28 : Making/Receiving Calls
- 26 GSM Continued..
- Project 25 : Making a Touch Mobile Phone with SMS & Calls handling App
- 27 Internet of Things (IoT) – Theory
- Data Sending Techniques to Server - Theory
- Learning GPRS Connectivity
- Practical 29 :Sending data to server via http
- Practical 30 :Sending data to server via TCP/IP
- 28 IoT Continued..
- Project 26 :Remote Location Data Logger (GPRS Based)