3 Stages for Enhancing Knowledge Transfer in the Workplace

As an employer, you consider your employee’s development and have invested significantly in staff eLearning programs. Now you expect your employees to use those skills and take productivity to the sky. It’s obvious, isn’t it? After your employees have undergone corporate development training and gained the most in-demand skills, you expect them to just get working and bring in the results that you have been dreaming of for some time now. But, to tell you the harsh truth, this does not always happen.

Knowledge transfer is not an easy process, and every human has different levels for grasping new information. You see, it takes our minds some time to register new ideas, technologies, processes, and tools. According to one study, only 12% of employees apply new skills learned through training programs to their jobs.

Do not let this figure diminish your faith in the staff eLearning programs. We are here to tell you what steps you can take before, during, and after corporate development training that will lead to a smooth knowledge transfer. So, are you ready? Let’s dig in.

What Is Knowledge Transfer?

Before we look at the ways that will enhance the knowledge transfer process, we must know what knowledge transfer is. In the context of employee training programs, knowledge transfer refers to the systematic process of sharing critical information, skills, and expertise from the trainer to the employees.

Knowledge transfer is about ensuring that valuable knowledge is communicated in an effective way that lets employees grasp it easily and implement it in their work. Now that you know exactly what knowledge transfer is, let's take a look at the steps you can take before, during, and after employees eLearning courses that will help your employees retain information better.

Three Stages Of Knowledge Transfer

➤ Before The Training

You can ensure a smooth knowledge transfer even before the training programs start. Here’s how:

➤ Identify knowledge gaps

Before planning and designing any employees eLearning courses, you must take time to assess the skill gap of your employees. To do this, you can conduct interviews and assessments. Based on the outcomes, write down the skills your workforce lacks. When you train your employees for the skills they lack, they will participate with more zeal.

➤ Set clear learning objectives

Once you have assessed the knowledge gap, set learning objectives that will align with your organization’s goals. You can’t train your employees on skill A when your company requires skill B. There should not be any kind of mismatch between your goals and the key skills imparted in staff eLearning programs.

➤ Choose appropriate delivery methods

Learning should not be boring. If you think that traditional learning methods will enhance your employee’s retention power, then you are wrong. This is not a school anymore. Mix and match different learning methods that will keep your employees anticipating. Ensure that training programs are interactive, wherein your employees are not passive listeners but active participants.

➤ Develop knowledge-sharing activities

While creating corporate development training, make sure to craft knowledge-sharing activities. Integrate hands-on practice, case studies, and collaborative exercises to encourage active learning and application of the knowledge. This will help your employee retain information and learn from their colleagues.

During The Training

Following are steps to keep in mind during employees eLearning courses that will help maximize employee learning.

➤ Interactive sessions

Do not let your training programs become boring. Plan out activities that will let your employees participate in the learning process. Use case studies, group discussions, and role-playing to encourage application and collaboration.

➤ Hands-on practice

Do not merely provide theoretical knowledge to your employees. It’s more likely they will soon forget it. Therefore, you must provide your employees with real-world problems that require the application of the knowledge they have gained in staff eLearning programs.

➤ Expert Q&A sessions

Conduct Q&A sessions that let employees ask questions and get clarifications. These sessions are important as employees can ask genuine questions and get the answers they are looking for. These sessions can prove to be fruitful and allow employees to take the training more seriously.

➤ Peer-to-peer learning

Additionally, you can conduct sessions where your employees can share their knowledge and expertise and let each other learn. This also fosters a sense of cohesiveness among the employees.

➤ Feedback and support

Successful corporate development training needs more than just regular training sessions. As the manager, you must ask for employees' feedback from time to time. If your employees are not happy with the current program and curriculum, you must make amendments right away.

After The Training

➤ Post-training follow-up sessions

Training programs do not end merely with the completion of the course. You must take follow-up sessions post-training as well. This will ensure that there are no lingering doubts among your employees. If there are, you can conduct some additional classes to clear them.

➤ Action plans and checklists

Encourage your employees to create action plans about how they will apply their skills in the real world. Additionally, you can create checklists that will help you determine whether staff eLearning programs were able to justify your end goals.

➤ Track progress and performance

As a manager, you must check the progress and performance of your employees post-completion of employees eLearning courses. You can’t just sit back and expect that your employees will perform as expected.

➤ Measure retention and impact

Evaluate the training program's long-term impact on employee performance and identify areas for improvement. If your staff eLearning programs result in a high retention rate and improved performance, then congratulations, you have succeeded.

➤ Gather feedback and iterate

Gathering feedback at every step of the learning journey will not only help in the enhancement of the program but will make your employees feel valued. With their honest feedback, you can enhance the quality of your program which will lead to better knowledge retention.

Also read - 8 Ways Employee Training and Development Boosts Productivity

Benefits Of Effective Knowledge Transfer Process

➤ Reduced training time and costs

By efficiently transferring knowledge, new employees can become productive faster, reducing the need for extended training and onboarding periods.

➤ Improved employee performance

Having access to the necessary knowledge and skills equips employees to perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently leading to higher quality work and increased productivity.

➤ Enhanced innovation and problem-solving

A knowledge-sharing culture fosters collaboration and the exchange of ideas, leading to better innovation and problem-solving capabilities within the organization.

➤ Increased employee engagement and retention

When employees feel valued for their knowledge and actively involved in the learning process, they are more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their work, leading to lower turnover rates.

Key Takeaways

Employees eLearning courses can help your employees upskill and take your business to new heights. However, training programs do not always guarantee success unless you take ample steps before, during, and after the training. If you want your employees to retain most of the knowledge they have gained during the corporate development training, then you must take things into your own hands. Before the training programs start, assess the knowledge and skill gap and align it with the organization's goals. Choose a training method that is engaging and interactive.

During the training program, ensure that your employees actively participate by conducting different activities. Don't forget to take their feedback and conduct Q&A sessions for doubt clearing. After the corporate development training, take follow-up sessions and track employee performance. Measure the employee retention rate and the impact on overall productivity. We hope that these steps will help you enhance knowledge transfer in your workplace.

Do you want customized training programs for your organization? If yes, then give us a quick call today and let us discuss your training requirements.