Italian training in Noida
Italian is a Romance Language and is the closest tongue to Vulgar Latin out of all the Romance Languages. It is the third most popularly spoken first language in the European Union. It is the authorized language of numerous countries like Italy, Vatican City, Switzerland, and many more.
The Italian Language is one of the easiest languages to learn because most of the English Vocabulary came from Latin and Italian is one of the languages that came from Latin too. Therefore, English and Italian are inter-connected. The job opportunities for Italian translators and interpreters are increasing steadily and it is expected that the Italian Language Industry will remain robust until 2026. Apart from the job opportunities, studying in Italy is also pretty cheap and to learn in a country, it is necessary to learn the official language of the country. Thus, there are various advantages of learning Italian Language.
KVCH is one of the Best Italian Language Training Institutes. Italian Language Training is based on the current industry requirements which enables one to land their dream job in the top companies worldwide. KVCH is a reputed training company providing the Best Italian Language Certification Training. At KVCH, Italian Language Training is supervised and managed by industry experts having an experience of more than 10 years in training. The course curriculum of Italian Language training is designed such that it covers all modules ranging from basic to advanced level. Training at KVCH includes both theoretical and practical sessions so that trainees get a suitable environment which will enable them to handle complex and difficult situations which they may face when they enter the ever-changing corporate industry.
We believe in providing our trainees with a "Hands on experience", thus enabling them to practically conduct each and every topic which has been discussed in the sessions supervised by our industry experts. This practice of comprehensive training allows one to gain all the concepts and skills efficiently and later apply them efficiently in their chosen field of work.
KVCH is one of the Best Training Institutes providing Italian Language Training with 100% placement assistance. The training provided at KVCH has been specially formulated for students/working professional/corporates etc. At KVCH, Italian Language training is conducted on weekdays and special sessions can be organized on weekends as well. We also provide fast-track training for students and working professionals who are looking to upgrade themselves instantly.
Accredited Curriculum
Learn from the Experts
Professional Certificate
Guranteed Career Growth
Placement Assistance
Earn a Valuable Certificate
Course Description
- Saying hello and goodbye
- Introducing yourself
- Nationality
- Address and telephone number
- Asking and saying how one is
- Asking and giving personal details about one’s job and the languages one speaks
- Apologising
- Ordering food and drink at a bar and paying
- Reading a simple menu
- Spelling one’s name
- Talking about one’s preferences
- Asking and telling the time
- Talking about one’s everyday routine
- Referring events in a chronological order
- Expressing frequency
- Expressing likes and dislikes
- The Italian alphabet
- Numbers 1-100
- Days of the week
- Booking a table at a restaurant
- Understanding simple city directions
- Understanding a menu
- Expressing agreement/disagreement
- Adjectives
- Some Italian recipes
- Some expressions of place
- Talking about past events
- Writing a greeting card
- Some expressions of time
- The connectors allora, prima, poi
- The date and months of the year
- Talking about sport and other leisure activities
- Saying what one can and cannot do
- Grocery shopping
- Organising a meal
- More food
- Colours
- Expressing quantity
- Describing a city or a borough
- Writing an email and inviting a friend over
- Talking about public transport
- Organising a city tour
- Public institutions and offices
- Adjectives used when describing a flat/house
- More expression of place
- Describing people
- Talking about one’s family
- Talking about one’s friends and neighbours
- Family names and adjectives
- Describing a family picture
- Designing a website for a course of Italian
- Talking about places where one has been in the past
- Understanding brief tourist information
- Getting information about services at a hotel
- Booking a hotel room
- Writing a postcard
- Describing one’s holiday
- Organising a weekend in Italy
- Numbers 101 – 1000
- Introducing someone
- Talking about one’s language learning experience
- Expressing one’s preferences and opinions
- Giving explanation for one’s choices.
- Asking information about train timetables and tickets
- Understanding a train timetable
- Buying a train ticket at a railway station
- Expressing a wish
- Giving a suggestion
- Asking for something in a polite way
- Describing clothing
- Talking about past habits and lifestyles
- Making comparisons between the past and the present
- Making a survey about one’s preferences about fashion
- Taking part to a radio interview
- Telling a story
- Describing past habits
- Talking about one’s past wishes and aspirations
- Expressing one’s likes and dislikes about music
- Vocabulary related to music
- Talking about one’s favourite activities and giving a reason
- Talking about a pleasant experience
- Describing a recipe or a dish
- Understanding a recipe
- Talking about eating habits and lifestyles
- Talking about setback during one’s holiday
- Describing a physical problem
- Having a conversation with a GP
- Asking and giving suggestions/advice about health problems
- Understanding an information leaflet in medicine boxes
- Talking about one’s travelling habits/preferences
- Understanding and giving advice about travel safety
- Understanding traffic updates on the radio
- Reporting a stolen or lost item
- Describing objects
- Food and recipes
- Parts of the body
- The verbs prendere and mettere with drugs/medicines
- The car
- Adjectives to describe objects
- Talking about information and media
- Understanding the main headlines in a radio news broadcast
- Announcing scheduled events
- Talking about future events
- Choosing and understanding a TV programme
- Asking details about a property
- Expressing needs
- Expressing surprise and regret
- Talking about holiday accommodation options
- Paying somebody a compliment
- Preparing one’s profile for a couch-surfing website
- Talking about holidays and traditional events
- Inviting someone at an event, accepting and refusing an invitation
- Expressing one’s intention
- Going shopping at a local street market.
- Personal subject pronouns
- Definite and indefinite articles
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Present tense of regular verbs
- Interrogatives
- Food and beverage
- Reflexive verbs
- Adverbs of frequency
- The verbs sapere and potere
- More about the verb piacere
- Prepositions in and a
- Regular and irregular past participles
- The Present Perfect
- The adverb fa
- More interrogatives
- The agreement noun/adjective (plural)
- Direct object pronouns
- The particle ne
- The partitive articles
- The expressions c’è/ci sono
- The verbs venire and volere
- Combined preposition su+ article
- The preposition in
- The possessives
- Demonstrative pronouns questo and quello
- Impersonal construction with si
- The verb dovere
- The particle ci
- Revision: the verb piacere + Infinitive
- Indirect object pronouns
- The verb interessare
- The expressions mi piace di più/di meno
- The relative superlative
- The verbs volerci and bisogna
- The present conditional
- Qualche
- The adverbs ending in –mente
- The imperfect tense
- The comparatives (regular forms)
- The use of the preposition da
- The use of Present Perfect and Imperfect
- The present perfect of reflexive verbs
- The relative pronoun che
- The absolute superlative
- The position of the adverbs
- Nouns with irregular plural
- The formal imperative
- The use of pronouns with the imperative mood
- The informal imperative
- The negative form of the imperative mood
- The conjunction se
- Comparisons with di or che
- Meglio and migliore
- The future simple
- The progressive form with stare + gerund
- The structure che + adjective + noun
- The direct object pronouns + present perfect
- Quello and Bello + nouns
- The forms of buono
- The imperfect and present perfect of sapere and conoscere
- The verbs cominciare/ iniziare and finire
- Titles of study in Italian business cards
- Greetings and gestures
- The “coffee culture” in Italy
- The world of work in Italy (male/female jobs)
- Meals as a family ritual
- Etiquette and cultural awareness: dos and dont’s at an Italian restaurant
- Giving and receiving presents
- Special events in the Italian cities: the Notte Bianca
- The square as a meeting point
- Gestural expressiveness
- Means of transport and maps
- Italian words used abroad
- Railway transport in Italy
- Italian icons and symbols
- Culture and free time
- Italian recipes
- Italian body language
- Emergency numbers in Italy
- Italians and the TV
- Inviting friends over in Italy
- Shopping
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Basic pronunciation rules
- Plenty of listening activities
- Writing practice – inc. postcards, e-mails, etc.
- Language learning awareness: reflecting on your learning style
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Revisiting pronunciation rules and numbers
- Writing practice
- Language learning awareness: learning new vocabulary, dealing with unknown words, approaching grammar, approaching a listening task.
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. application letter
- Language learning awareness: Reading and understanding a text; using non-verbal communication; understanding symbols and images
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. stories, reviews, etc.
- Language learning awareness: A test about the “multiple intelligences”; reading skills: skimming and scanning; Understanding a radio broadcast; systemising: logic and grammar.
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. adverts and short articles
- Language learning awareness: In your own words: paraphrasing; communicating through gestures; learning through the loci.
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. letter of complaint
- Plenty of listening activities – e.g. phone messages
- Language learning awareness: Learning using information media; learning using mental images; systemising: logic and vocabulary.
- A wide range of topics based around students’ own interests, could include topics of general interest: global issues, popular science, environment, media and advertising; culture and entertainment; beliefs and religions, etc.
- Materials used to spark conversation will include articles, DVD, video, internet extracts.
- Grammar: At this level, Grammar should be covered and revised according to the students’ needs.
Italian Elementary
Topics & Vocabulary:
2. Grammar:
3. Cultural Content:
4. Skills Work:
5. Proficiency:
- Describing monuments
- Giving instructions for a touristic itinerary, a recipe, or a set of rules
- Describing people and situations in the past
- Talking about your family, yourself and your origins
- Making a reservation
- Ordering at a restaurant
- Inviting and accepting an invitation
- Expressing your opinion, making comments about your experiences
- Describing situations and events in the past
- Agreeing & disagreeing
- Having an argument
- Building friendly, informal relationships
- Projects and wishes for the future
- Hypothesis, suppositions and resolutions
- The world of work
- Telling the plot of a movie/a book
- Streets and street signs
- Excuses and accepting excuses
- Talking about cities and culture
- Conflict and resolution
- Linking past to present
- Making friends – talking about self, states of mind and feelings
- Projects, wishes, hypothesis and resolutions for the future (continued)
- Giving suggestions/advice
- Describing facts and events in former times, telling a story, a fable
- Making polite requests
- Giving explanations, finding solutions, saying “sorry”
- Studying – inc. history of (personal) education, teaching styles, adult education in Italy
- Relationships – inc. dream partner, challenges, tips, arguments and reconciliation Consumerism
- Globalisation
- Cinema and literature
- New media – inc. usage, development, advantages and disadvantages
- Travelling and mobility – inc. making complaints orally or written
- Expressing wishes which did not come true in the past
- Giving suggestions in order to avoid mistakes
- Talking about future events in the past
- Talking about one’s regrets
- Encouraging or discouraging someone
- Expressing one’s opinion and point of view; asking for clarifications; proposing solutions to a problem
- Revisiting previous level’s grammar
- The imperative of regular and reflexive verbs
- The Imperfect tense
- Possessive pronouns and adjectives
- The use of the imperfect and the present perfect
- The future
- The present progressive
- Simple and combined prepositions
- Prepositions with verbs
- Absolute superlative
- Direct and indirect object pronouns
- Pronominal verbs
- Exclamatives
- Pronouns and verbs
- Present conditional
- Relative pronouns
- Simple (remote) past of regular and irregular verbs
- Interrogative pronouns
- Revision of simple and combined prepositions
- Past conditional; the future in the past
- Past perfect
- Hypothetical Constructions
- Imperfect subjunctive
- Combined object pronouns
- The Imperative + pronouns
- The formation of adverbs
- Adjectives ending in -oso, -bile
- Conjunctions and connectors
- Rome: Art, History, cuisine
- Italian cooking & recipes
- Italian family and wedding
- Having an argument with an Italian
- Discourse markers: expressing impatience, surprise, and wonder
- Italians and Ferragosto
- Young people and unemployment
- Italian journalism
- Children and bullying in school
- Italians and the immigrants
- The dialects
- Loan words
- The South – countryside, atmosphere, people
- Italian journalism
- Pasta
- Sicily in the World and at Home
- Friends and family
- Italians and Ferragosto
- Young people and unemployment
- Italian journalism
- Children and bullying in school
- Italians and the immigrants
- The dialects
- Loan words
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. adverts and short articles
- Plenty of listening activities
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. letter of complaint Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. letter of complaint
- Plenty of listening activities – e.g. phone messages
- Plenty of listening activities – e.g. phone messages
- Lots of speaking – inc. situational exercises & interaction
- Writing practice – e.g. adverts and short articles
- Plenty of listening activities
Italian - Professional
1. Topics & Vocabulary::
2. Grammar:
3. Cultural Content:
4. Skills Work:
- Primarily topics of students’ choice
- Expressing expectation, doubts, and hopes
- Talking about social and political issues
- Talking about changes in your life
- Giving instructions
- Analysing and evaluating newspapers articles
- Relating an extraordinary event
- Understanding poetic language
- Perception of time in different cultures
- Work and occupation – inc. Future perspectives, innovative ideas and multicultural approach
- Health – inc. Alternative therapies and history of medical science
- Emotions – inc. Cultural differences in perception and expression
- Europe and the European Community
- Discussing topical news of the day
- Primarily topics of students’ choice
- Expressing expectation, doubts, and hopes
- Talking about social and political issues
- Talking about changes in your life
- Giving instructions
- Analysing and evaluating newspapers articles
- Relating an extraordinary event
- Understanding poetic language
- Perception of time in different cultures
- Work and occupation – inc. Future perspectives, innovative ideas and multicultural approach
- Health – inc. Alternative therapies and history of medical science
- Emotions – inc. Cultural differences in perception and expression
- Europe and the European Community
- Discussing topical news of the day
- The Italians – inc. inside and outside look, prejudices and stereotypes
- Artistic life in Italy – inc. introduction of various Italian artists and their works
- University and further education in Italy and abroad
- Traditional, peculiar houses: Alberobello’s trulli, Matera’s sassi
- Italians and strikes
- Idiomatic expressions with animals and parts of the body
- Equal opportunities in Italy
- Italian wines
- Lots of speaking – inc. Situational exercises & interaction; focus on discussion
- Writing practice – e.g. Short stories, reviews and comments, advertisments
- Plenty of listening activities – authentic sources, e.g. Radio, TV, films and discs
- Advanced pronunciation
- Writing a complaint
- Analysing and evaluating newspapers articles
- Evaluating and analysing advertisements
- Writing a short tale
- Summarising an interview, a biography
- Carrying out an interview
- Reading a book together
- Discussing, complaining, protesting and claiming
- A wide range of topics based around students’ own interests, could include topics of general interest: global issues, popular science, environment, media and advertising; culture and entertainment; beliefs and religions, etc.
- Materials used to spark conversation will include articles, DVD, video, internet extracts.
- Grammar: At this level, Grammar should be covered and revised according to the students’ needs.
Italian Master
1. Topics & Vocabulary::
2. Grammar:
3. Cultural Content:
4. Skills Work:
5. Proficiency:
Top Reasons to Choose KVCH for Italian Programming Training in Noida
- Italian Programming training in Noida is constructed as per the IT industry standard.
- We Offer the best Italian Programming training and dedicated placement assistance in Noida with properly planned training modules and course content.
- Regular and Weekends classes for Italian Programming training in Noida is provided.
- One of the biggest team of Certified Expert Trainers with 5 to 15 years of Real Industry Experience.
- Mentors of Italian Programming training in Noida helps in major project training, minor project training, live project preparation, interview preparation and job placement support.
- Smart Labs with Real Latest Equipment’s.
- 24x7 Lab Facilities. Students are free to access the labs for unlimited number of hours as per their own preferred timings.
- Silent and Discussion Zone areas in Labs to enhance Self Study and Group Discussions.
- Free of Cost Personality Development sessions including Spoken Italian, Group Discussions, Mock Interviews, Presentation skills.
- Free of Cost Seminars for Personality Development & Personal Presentation.
- Varity of Study Material: Books, PDF’s, Video Lectures, Sample questions, Interview Questions (Technical and HR), and Projects.
- Hostel Facilities available at Rs. 5,500/month for Italian Programming Training in Noida students.
- Free Study Material, PDFs, Video Trainings, Sample Questions, Exam Preparation, Interview Questions, Lab Guides.
- Globally Recognized Course Completion Certificate.
- Extra Time Slots (E.T.S.) for Practical’s (Unlimited), Absolutely Free.
- The ability to retake the class at no-charge as often as desired.
- One-on-One attention by instructors.
- Helps students to take knowledge of complex technical concepts.
- Payment options: Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Debit card, Net Banking.
KVCH Trainer's Profile for Italian Programming Training in Noida
- Are experts in their field of domain and constantly upgrade themselves with new tools to impart the best training of a real working environment
- Have been carefully selected by our training partners and recognized over the years by various organizations for their field of work.
- Have years of experience in working in Big corporation and MNC’s like IBM, HCL Technologies, Sapient, Birla soft, TCS, Accenture etc.
- Certified Industry Professionals with more than 10+ years of experience in Itindustry.
- Connected with placement cells of various companies to help and support students for placement
KVCH'S Italian Programming Trainers are:
Placement Assistance after Italian Programming Training in Noida
- KVCH is the world leader in rendering placement assistance to students with the help of a dedicate placement cell that supports and assists students during the time of placement.
- KVCH also provide the best Resume Building Service, by helping students to design their resume as per the latest industry trend.
- KVCH regularly organizes Personality Development sessions including Group Discussions, Mock Interviews, Presentation skills that help students in overall personality development and to present themselves confidently at the time of interview.
- KVCH has helped students to grab their dream jobs in companies like IBM , HCL , Wipro , TCS , Accenture ,etc.
KVCH'S Placement Assistance
KVCH Course duration for Italian Programming Training in Noida
- Regular Classes– 5 days a week (Morning, Day time & Evening)
- Weekend Classes (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
- Fast-track Classes