Best Python training company in Lagos Nigeria

Created by Guido van Rossum in the year 1991, Python, today, is being used by approximately 40% of the programmers for developing their complex applications. It is one of the fastest expanding programming languages and is being used by millions around the world. Various MNCs, like NASA, Google, YouTube, BitTorrent are making full use of Python. It is important for the students to Learn python programming in order to be successful in their career.
The popularity of python is because of its features. It is an object-oriented language that is used for general-purpose and high-level programming. It is also an interpreter that translates source code into an intermediate language that is again converted into machine language and then executed. Moreover, the source code of Python is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It is very easy to learn and understand this programming language as it is similar to C, C++. Anyone can master this language by taking Python training and certification in Nigeria.
Various companies use Python as it can runs on multiple operating systems like Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac OS etc. It is also the first choice of developers as it allows them to write any function in fewer lines of codes as opposed to other programming languages. Today there is a high demand for python developers in the market and they are earning a lot more compared to other developers. Any student can avail the benefits of being a python developer by joining Python training in Lagos.
KVCH is the oldest training provider that offers the best Python training course in lagos. We provide online services for the candidates who are unable to visit the campus. The online sessions are live and not the recorded ones. The training is provided by the expert trainers having more than 10 years of experience. Along with theoretical knowledge, candidates will receive practical exposure by working on industry projects. KVCH also offers offshore corporate training to large, small and medium businesses, government ventures, and MNCs.

Classroom Training
Our expert deliver classroom based training from our various locations to the learners from all over the globe and we help them for arranging the accommodation, tickets, visa, transportation and other facility.

Instructor Led Online
KVCH provides online training which helps learner to get knowledge and opt any courses and learn the skills, technology from anywhere in the world.

Fly Me A Trainer
KVCH helps organizations to provide and customize tailor made programme by allowing us to send trainers at their location.

1 on 1 Learning
Our method of 1 on 1 Learning provides engagement of trainer only with single individual throughout the programme they want to learn/upgrade for.

Topic Based Learning
KVCH provide topic based learning which helps professionals to upgrade their skills to latest topics introduced in current version of frameworks.

Academic Internship
KVCH internship module helps student to learn and get practical exposure of industry latest trends as a part of their academic requirement.

Accredited Curriculum

Learn from the Experts

Professional Certificate

Guranteed Career Growth

Placement Assistance

Earn a Valuable Certificate
Course Description
- Introduction
- Install Python on Windows
- IDLE On Windows with a cool demo app!
- Downloading and Installing IntelliJ (FREE and PAID versions) on Windows
- Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available
- Introduction
- Downloading And Installing Python On Mac OS X
- IDLE on Mac OS X with a cool demo app!
- Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available
- Move to next section!
- Introduction
- Downloading And Installing Python On Ubuntu Linux Preview
- IDLE on Ubuntu Linux with a cool demo app!
- Installing IntelliJ (FREE and PAID versions) on Ubuntu Linux
- Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available
- Introduction
- Getting To Know Python
- Understanding More About Python
- Storing Items In Variables
- More About Variables And Strings
- String Formatting - Displaying Numbers And Strings
- Introduction
- An Introduction To Program Flow Control
- Test Conditions With If, ElIf & Else
- More Advanced If, ElIf & Else Processing
- Challenge - If Then Else
- For Loops
- Extending For Loops
- Understanding Continue, Break And Else
- Augmented Assignment
- Challenge - Program Flow - Part 1
- Challenge - Program Flow - Part 2
- While Loops
- Challenge - While Loop
- Introduction
- Lists In Python
- More About Lists
- Challenge - Lists
- Understanding Iterators
- Understanding and using Ranges
- More About Ranges
- Ordered Sets With Tuples
- More On Ordered Sets With Tuples
- Introduction to the Section
- Binary Basics
- What is binary
- Hexadecimal and Octal and the Challenge
- Introduction to the Section
- Python Dictionaries
- Dictionaries Part 2
- Dictionaries Part 3
- Dictionaries Challenge
- More on Dictionaries
- The Second Dictionary Challenge
- Sets
- Python Sets Part 2 and Challenge
- Introduction to the Section
- Reading and writing text files
- Writing Text Files
- Appending to Files and Challenge
- Writing Binary Files Manually
- Using Pickle To Write Binary Files
- Shelve
- Manipulating Data With Shelve
- Updating With Shelve
- Shelve Challenge
- Challenge Continued
- Introduction to the Section
- Modules and import
- The standard Python library
- WebBrowser Module
- Time and DateTime in Python
- Timezones
- Check Path In Windows
- Check Path on a Mac
- Installing the pytz module (Windows/Mac/Linux)
- Using Timezones
- More on Timezones
- Timezone Challenge
- Introduction to Tkinter
- TkInter - Pack Geometry Manager
- TkInter - Pack Geometry Manager
- Advanced GUI Example Part 1
- Advanced GUI Example Part 2
- Advanced GUI Example Part 3
- Tkinter Challenge
- Functions in Python
- Functions Part 2
- Functions Part 3
- Parabola - More on Functions
- Scope in Functions
- Fix Function and Draw Circles
- Enhanced Circles and Challenge
- Blackjack Setup
- Load Cards
- Deal Cards
- Global Variables
- Global Keyword
- Test Blackjack Game
- Blackjack Challenge
- Importing Techniques
- Underscores in Python code
- Namespaces, more on Scope and Recursion
- Recursion with OS Module and Filesystem and Nonlocal keyword
- Nonlocal keyword, Free and LEGB
- Object Orientated Programming and Classes
- Instances, Constructors, Self and more
- Class Attributes
- Methods Part 1
- Methods Part 2
- Non Public and Mangling
- DocStrings and Raw Literals
- Album class and More on DocStrings
- Artist class and import Albums
- Load data and Write Checkfile
- Compile Files and Algorithm Flowcharts
- Implement Revised Load_Data Algorithm
- Write OOP Version
- Getters and Properties
- Remove Circular References Challenge
- Getters and Setters
- Data Attributes and Properties
- Alternate Syntax for Properties
- Inheritance
- Subclasses and Overloading
- Calling Super Methods
- Changing Behavior of Methods
- Overriding Methods
- Inheritance Challenge
- Polymorphism
- Duck Test
- Composition
- Composition Continued
- Test Code and Challenge
- Aggregation
- Introduction to Databases
- Database Terminology
- Sqlite3 Install on Windows
- Sqlite3 Install on a Mac
- SQLite3 Install on Ubuntu Linux
- Introduction to SQLite
- More with SQL using SQLite
- Querying data with Sqlite
- Order by and Joins
- More complex Joins
- Wildcards and Views
- Housekeeping and the Challenge
- SQL in Python
- Connections, Cursors and Transactions
- SQL Injection Attacks
- Placeholders and Parameter Substitution
- Exceptions
- Exceptions Challenge
- Exceptions Continued
- Raising Exceptions
- More on Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Rolling back Transactions
- Adding Database code to the Account Class
- GUI Database Editing Overview
- Ultimate Edition Database View
- Community Edition Database Plugin
- Update Deposit and Withdrawal Methods
- Displaying Time in Different Timezones
- SQLite3 strftime Function
- Challenge
- Problems Storing Timezones
- Rolling Back Transactions
- Simple Database Browser
- Scrollbars
- Star Args
- Kwargs
- More on KWArgs
- Scrollable Listbox
- Populating a Listbox from a Database
- Show Songs from Album
- The DataListbox Class Code
- Linking our DataListBoxes
- Linking our DataListBoxes Continued
- DataListbox Challenge
- Introduction
- Generators and Yield
- Next and Ranges
- Generator Examples - Fibonacci numbers and Calculating Pi
- The os.walk Generator
- Searching the Filesystem
- Reading Mp3 Tags
- List Comprehensions
- List Comprehensions and Side-Effects
- Challenge Solutions
- Conditional Comprehensions
- Conditional Expressions
- Challenges
- Challenge 1 Solution
- Challenge 2 Solution
- Nested Comprehensions
- Nested Comprehensions Challenge
- The timeit Module
- More on timeit
- timeit Continued and Challenge
- timeit Challenge
- Packages
- Virtual Environments
- Content Coming Soon
- List of content to be added
- Bonus - Please Watch!
- All Courses
- Source code for all Programs
- Create simple plots in matplotlib
- Learn different plot formats available in matplotlib
- Choose the right plot format for a problem at hand judiciously
- Scale and add style to your plots
- matplotlib library
- Grids, axes, plots
- Markers, colours, fonts and styling
- Types of plots - bar graphs, pie charts, histograms
- Contour plots
- Matplotlib - Installation, Using Scatterplot, histogram,bar graph, pie chart to show information, Styling of Plot
- Data preparation
- Merging, concatenation, combining, pivoting & removal
- Data transformation - Merging, Joining & Concatenation
- Gather insights from a Dataset
- Basic Functionalities of a data object
- Merging of Data objects
- Concatenation of data objects
- Types of Joins on data objects
- Exploring a Dataset
- Analyzing a dataset
- Pandas Function- Ndim(), axes(), values(), head(), tail(), sum(), std(), iteritems(), iterrows(), itertuples(), GroupBy operations, Aggregation, Concatenation, Merging
- Perform Data Visualization on the browser using Bokeh
- Perform Web Scraping
- Perform Motion Detection using OpenCV
- Beautiful Soup Library
- Requests Library
- Scrap all hyperlinks from a webpage, using Beautiful Soup & Requests
- Plotting charts using Bokeh
- Plotting scatterplots using Bokeh
- Image Editing using OpenCV
- Face detection using OpenCV
- Face detection using OpenCV
- Motion Detection and Capturing Video
Introduction to the course
Lists, Ranges & Tuples in Python
The Binary number system explained
Python Dictionaries and Sets
Top Reasons to Choose KVCH for Python Training in Nigeria
- Python training in Nigeria is constructed as per the IT industry standard.
- We Offer the best Python training and dedicated placement assistance in Nigeria with properly planned training modules and course content.
- Regular and Weekends classes for Python training in Nigeria is provided.
- One of the biggest team of Certified Expert Trainers with 5 to 15 years of Real Industry Experience.
- Mentors of Python training in Nigeria helps in major project training, minor project training, live project preparation, interview preparation and job placement support.
- Smart Labs with Real Latest Equipment’s.
- 24x7 Lab Facilities. Students are free to access the labs for unlimited number of hours as per their own preferred timings.
- Silent and Discussion Zone areas in Labs to enhance Self Study and Group Discussions.
- Free of Cost Personality Development sessions including Spoken English, Group Discussions, Mock Interviews, Presentation skills.
- Free of Cost Seminars for Personality Development & Personal Presentation.
- Varity of Study Material: Books, PDF’s, Video Lectures, Sample questions, Interview Questions (Technical and HR), and Projects.
- Hostel Facilities available at Rs. 5,500/month for Python Training in Nigeria students.
- Free Study Material, PDFs, Video Trainings, Sample Questions, Exam Preparation, Interview Questions, Lab Guides.
- Globally Recognized Course Completion Certificate.
- Extra Time Slots (E.T.S.) for Practical’s (Unlimited), Absolutely Free.
- The ability to retake the class at no-charge as often as desired.
- One-on-One attention by instructors.
- Helps students to take knowledge of complex technical concepts.
- Payment options: Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Debit card, Net Banking.
KVCH Trainer's Profile for Python Training in Nigeria
- Are experts in their field of domain and constantly upgrade themselves with new tools to impart the best training of a real working environment
- Have been carefully selected by our training partners and recognized over the years by various organizations for their field of work.
- Have years of experience in working in Big corporation and MNC’s like IBM, HCL Technologies, Sapient, Birla soft, TCS, Accenture etc.
- Certified Industry Professionals with more than 10+ years of experience in Itindustry.
- Connected with placement cells of various companies to help and support students for placement
KVCH'S Python Trainers are:
Placement Assistance after Python Training in Nigeria
- KVCH is the world leader in rendering placement assistance to students with the help of a dedicate placement cell that supports and assists students during the time of placement.
- KVCH also provide the best Resume Building Service, by helping students to design their resume as per the latest industry trend.
- KVCH regularly organizes Personality Development sessions including Group Discussions, Mock Interviews, Presentation skills that help students in overall personality development and to present themselves confidently at the time of interview.
- KVCH has helped students to grab their dream jobs in companies like IBM , HCL , Wipro , TCS , Accenture ,etc.
KVCH'S Placement Assistance
KVCH Course duration for Python Training in Nigeria
- Regular Classes– 5 days a week (Morning, Day time & Evening)
- Weekend Classes (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
- Fast-track Classes