Live Project Based Linux training in Delhi
KVCH provide world class training in Linux in Delhi . With the best infrastructure and high-tech technology , the project based training allows students and working professional to gain hands-on experience in Linux.
As the industry leaders , KVCH from the past 10 years has joined hands with many prestigious organization to create an environment for aspirants looking to innovate and influence the IT industry. We have expert team who guide the students and working professionals regarding various job opportunities in the market . We provide assistance and support to all KVCH students for placement .We have excellent placement records , and that has made us as the Best Linux training institute in Delhi , .
The course curriculum for Linux is extensive and covers topics likes bash shell , VI and VIM , the Linux File system in-depth , managing Kernel service , managing Linux File System and troubleshooting and ranges from basic to professional level. We make sure that every necessary topics in LINUX is covered by our senior specialist so that later when candidates have to work on real live project, they are able to do it with ease.
Accredited Curriculum
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Professional Certificate
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Earn a Valuable Certificate
Course Description
- Introduction to Linux – Ideas & History
- What is Open Source? Linux Origins
- Red Hat Distributions, Linux principles, Linux Usage Basics
- Logging into Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Starting X from the Console, Accessing the Command Line
- Changing your Password, The root User
- Elevating your Privileges, Editing Text Files
- Running Commands, Getting Help, The whatis Command
- The --help Option, Reading Usage Summaries
- The man and info Commands, Documentation
- Linux File Hierarchy Concepts, Current Working Directory
- File and Directory Names, Absolute and Relative Pathnames
- Changing Directories, Listing Directory Contents
- Copying and Moving Files and Directories
- Creating and Removing Files and Directories, Using Nautilus
- Determining File Content, Viewing Files
- bash Introduction, Heritage, and Features
- Command Line Shortcuts, History Tricks
- Command Line Expansion, Command Editing Tricks
- Standard Input and Output
- Redirecting Standard Input and Output
- Overwriting vs Appending, Redirecting Standard Error
- Redirecting Both Standard Output and Error
- Using Pipes To Connect Processes
- Introducing vim, vim basics, Opening, Modifying & Saving Files
- Using Command Mode, Undoing Changes, Visual Mode
- Splitting the Screen, Configuring vi and vim
- Using bash Variables, Local and Environment Variables
- Configuration and Information Variables, Variable Expansion
- Protecting Against Variable Expansion, Aliases
- How bash Expands the Command Line, Types of Shells
- bash Startup and Exit Scripts, Using Variables in Shell Scripts
- The slocate and find Commands, Basic find Examples
- find and Logical Operators, find and Permissions
- find and Numeric Criteria, find and Access Times
- Executing Commands with find, The Gnome Search Tool
- The Linux Security Model, Users and Groups
- Permission Types
- Changing Permissions Using Nautilus
- User and Group ID Numbers
- The/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow/etc/group files
- System Users and Groups, Changing Your Identity
- User Information Commands
- Special & Default Permissions
- Partitions and Filesystems, Inodes and Directories
- cp, mv, rm, and inodes
- Symbolic (or Soft) Links and Hard Links
- The Seven Fundamental Filetypes, Checking Free Space
- Mounting CDs, DVDs, USB Media, and Floppy Disks
- Why Archive Files? Compressing Archives
- Creating, Inspecting & Extracting File from File Archives
- Why Use File Compression? Compression Utilities
- What is a Process? Process States, Viewing Processes
- Sending Signals to Processes, Terminating Processes
- Altering Process Scheduling Priority
- Interactive Process Management Tools
- Running a Process in the Background, Suspending a Process
- Listing Background and Suspended Jobs
- Compound Commands
- Scheduling a Process To Execute Later
- Scheduling Periodic Processes, Crontab File Format
- Boot Sequence, Boot Loader Components
- GRUB and grub.conf, Kernel Initialization
- init Initialization, Run levels, /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
- /etc/rc.d/rc, System V run levels, /Etc/rc.d/rc.local
- Controlling Services
- RPM Package Manager
- Installing and Removing Software
- Updating a Kernel RPM
- RPM Queries, rpm Verification
- About yum, Using yum
- Searching packages/files
- Configuring Additional Repositories
- Creating a Private Repository
- Red Hat Network Server Entitlements
- Red Hat Network Client
- Kernel Modules, Kernel Images & Variants
- Managing the initrd image
- Accessing Drivers through /dev
- Kernel Configuration with /proc
- sysctl: Persistent Kernel Configuration
- Monitoring Processes and Resources
- Network Time Protocol, syslog Configuration
- Xorg Server Configuration, Remote X Sessions
- Virtual Network Computing, SSH: Secure Shell
- System crontab Files, Daily Cron Jobs, CUPS
- Adding a New User Account, User Private Groups
- Group Administration, Modifying/Deleting Accounts
- Password Aging Policies, Switching Accounts, Sudo
- Network Users, Authentication Configuration
- NIS Client Configuration, LDAP Client Configuration
- File Ownership, Linux File Permissions
- SUID / SGID Executables, The Sticky Bit
- The SGID Directories, Default File Permissions
- Access Control Lists (ACLs), SELinux
- SELinux Targeted Policy, SELinux Management
- Filesystem Management, Device Recognition
- Disk Partitioning, Managing Partitions
- Making Filesystem, Filesystem Labels, tune2fs
- Mount Points and /etc/fstab, Mounting Filesystems
- Handling Swap Files and Partitions
- Mounting NFS Filesystems, Automounter
- Advanced Filesystem Management
- Configuring the Quota System
- Software RAID Configuration & Recovery
- Creating & Resizing Logical Volumes
- Archiving tools, tar, dump/restore, rsync
- Network Interfaces, IPv4 Addresses, Device Aliases
- Routing table, Default gateway, Verify IP connectivity
- Defining Local Host Name, Verify DNS Connectivity
- Network Configuration Utilities
- Transparent Dynamic Configuration
- Ipv6: Dynamic & Static Interface Configuration
- New and Modified Utilities
- Boot Media, Accessing Installer, Installation Method
- Configuring File System, Advanced Partitioning
- Starting Kickstart Installation, Kickstart; %pre, %post
- Hardware Considerations, Preparing Domain-0
- Virtual Resources, Domain-U Configuration
- Domain Management with xm
- Activating Domains on boot
- Method of Fault Analysis, Gathering Data
- Order of the Boot Process
- Filesystem Corruption & Recovery
- Recovery Run-levels, Rescue Environment
- Concepts and Practices, System Faults and Breaches
- Method of Fault Analysis, Benefit of System Monitoring
- Managing Processes by Account
- Service and Network Access Controls
- System Initialization and Service Management
- Service and Application Access Controls
- tcp_wrappers Configuration
- Internet Protocol and Routing
- IPv6: Dynamic & IPv6: Static Interface Configuration
- IPv6: Routing Configuration, Netfilter Overview
- Rules: General Considerations, Connection Tracking
- Network Address Translation (NAT), IPv6 and ip6tables
- Host Name Resolution, DNS-Specific Resolvers
- Trace a DNS Query with dig, Exploring DNS with host
- Service Profile: DNS, Getting Started with BIND
- bindchroot Package, cachingnameserver Package
- Remote Name Daemon Control (rndc)
- The DHCP Service, DHCP Overview
- Configuring an IPv4 DHCP Server
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Network File Service (NFS)
- Port options for the Firewall
- Samba services, Configuring Samba
- Apache Overview
- Apache Server Configuration, Virtual Hosts
- Apache Access Configuration, CGI
- Apache Encrypted Web Server
- Squid Web Proxy Cache
- Essential Email Operation
- Simple Mail Transport Protocol
- Sendmail SMTP Restrictions
- Sendmail Operation
- The Need For Encryption
- Symmetric Encryption
- Asymmetric Encryption
- Public Key Infrastructures
- Digital Certificates
- Account Management
- Account Information (Name Service)
- Name Service Switch (NSS)
- Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
- PAM Operation, Utilities and Authentication