What is full stack developer? Complete Roadmap For 2024

According to Statista, the global developer population is expected to reach 28.7 million people by 2024, an increase of 3.2 million from the number seen in 2020.

Full-stack developers are highly in demand due to their expertise in developing both the front and back-end. Doesn’t it sound interesting to call yourself a full-stack developer? When you tell your friends and relatives that you are a full-stack developer, they look at you like you are the brightest person in the room. And it is the truth. A full-stack developer is familiar with many technologies for creating innovative and futuristic apps and software.

As we are using more and more digital solutions, it is obvious that the number of web developers and app developers will increase. Today, more and more students are enrolling in full stack training programs to start a career in this rewarding field. The demand for full-stack developers has leapt in recent years. According to Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, full-stack developers (33.5%) are the most common type, followed closely by back-end developers (17.9%), and then front-end developers (6.6%).

Do you also want to become a full-stack developer but don’t know how? You have landed in the correct place. This blog will provide you with a roadmap to becoming a full-stack developer. We will discuss the various front-end, back-end, and database technologies that a full-stack developer must possess. We will also discuss how a full stack developer course can help you on your full-stack journey. So, let’s dig deep into the requirements to become a full-stack developer.

Who Is A Full Stack Developer?

If you want to become a full-stack developer, you must know what it means in the first place. You might already have some idea of what full-stack development means. But let us tell you in simpler terms. The front end, back end, and database are the three parts of any software, app, or website. The front end is the component that end users interact with. It includes icons, buttons, content, fonts, images, pages, etc.

The back end is the component that is invisible to end users. The back end is the running machine of apps and websites. It is made of the code, frameworks and databases that make up the entire app or software. A database stores all user information and data that can be accessed at any time. These three components are essential for any software or app.

A full-stack developer is someone responsible for developing all three. He/she must be aware of the various front-end and back-end technologies to create an entire application or website. There are many full stack developer jobs worldwide. Organisations are recruiting skilled full stack developers who can help them cut costs and deliver speedy solutions.

Why Become A Full-Stack Developer?

➤ High demand: Full-stack developers are in high demand because they can handle all aspects of web development, from the front end to the back end.

➤ Versatile skillset: A full stack developer is a valuable asset in any organisation as they possess a wide range of skills.

➤ Lucrative salary: Full-stack developers are typically well-paid, with salaries that can range from $50,000 to $150,000 per year or more.

➤ Intellectual challenge: Full-stack development is a challenging and rewarding field. If you enjoy a challenge, this is a great career for you.

➤ Be your own boss: With the skills you learn as a full-stack developer, you could also start your own business or work freelance.

Complete Roadmap To Become A Full Stack Developer

If you have decided to become a full-stack developer and move forward in a challenging career, then you just know where to start. A full stack course online can be the first step in your journey. You should start by mastering the front-end technologies. So, let us look at the front-end roadmap in the following section.

Front-End Roadmap

Master the core three

➤ HTML: This forms the website's structure and content.

➤ CSS: This controls the website's visual appearance and layout.

➤ JavaScript: This adds interactivity and dynamic behaviour.

Dive deeper into JavaScript.

➤ DOM manipulation: Learn to control and update webpage elements directly.

➤ Fetch API and AJAX: Make asynchronous requests to servers for data updates without reloading the page.

➤ Object-oriented programming: Understand object creation and inheritance for better code organization.

Front-end frameworks

➤ ReactJS: A popular library for building complex user interfaces with reusable components.

➤ Vue.js: A lightweight and beginner-friendly alternative to React, with similar functionalities.

➤ Angular: A robust framework for large-scale applications, featuring a steeper learning curve.

Additional tools and skills:

➤ CSS preprocessors (Sass/Less): Enhance CSS with features like variables, mixins, and nesting for easier maintenance.

➤ Version control (Git/GitHub): Track code changes and collaborate with others on projects.

➤ Responsive Design: Create layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Back End Roadmap

Back end languages

➤ Python: Versatile, beginner-friendly, and widely used with frameworks like Django and Flask.

➤ Node.js: Popular for building real-time applications

➤ Java: Robust and enterprise-ready, used with frameworks like Spring Boot and Play Framework.

➤ Ruby: Elegant and productive, perfect for web development with Ruby on Rails.

➤ Go: Efficient and fast, ideal for microservices and building high-performance APIs.

Back end frameworks

➤ Django: Powerful MVC framework for complex web applications with built-in features and batteries included.

➤ Flask: Lightweight microframework offering flexibility and control for smaller projects.

➤ Express.js: Minimalistic but popular Node.js framework ideal for building APIs and web apps.

➤ Spring Boot: Robust Java framework for building microservices and scalable enterprise applications.

➤ Ruby on Rails: Full-stack framework in Ruby known for its convention-over-configuration approach and rapid prototyping.

Database Roadmap

➤ Fundamentals: Learn SQL (Structured Query Language) for querying, manipulating, and managing data. Understand concepts like tables, columns, joins, and data normalisation.

➤ Popular Technologies: Focus on at least one major relational database, like MySQL (free and open-source), PostgreSQL (powerful and feature-rich), or Oracle (widely used in enterprise contexts). Explore functionalities like indexing, stored procedures, and user management.

➤ Advanced Topics: Learn schema design techniques for optimised data storage and retrieval. Understand database transactions and concurrency control to ensure data integrity.

Did the above requirements overwhelm you? Worry not! A full stack developer course can prepare you for front-end and back-end development.

Go for a full stack course online to learn all the technologies at your convenience. Additionally, you can work on small personal projects to enhance your knowledge and strengthen your skills.

Also read - How To Become A Full Stack Developer With No Experience

Master Full Stack Development With KVCH

With full stack developer jobs surging, the need for an organised full stack developer course is felt. KVCH offers the best full stack training to both beginners and experienced professionals. Our full-stack course syllabus is designed to include the latest industry trends. You will learn from a basic to an advanced level of full stack development. With live projects, tasks, and assignments, you will get all the skills needed to get full stack developer jobs.

Summing Up

Full stack development is one of the most sought-after professions. Full stack developers are skilled and expert professionals that can build apps, software, and websites. If you also want to become a full stack developer, start by learning and mastering front-end technologies. When you have gained enough knowledge, move on to the back-end technologies and databases. A full stack developer course can help you acquire all the required skills. Follow the above-mentioned roadmap, and you will become a full stack developer in no time.