Level Up Your IT Career: The Impact of Industrial Training on Your Resume

An organization receives 250+ resumes for a single job opening. And yours will be one of them. How will you make recruiters notice your resume?

Do you want to make your resume shine among the horde of applications that recruiters get every day? Do you know that one element that will make all the difference in your resume? If your mind is going towards internship training programs, then congrats, you have guessed it right.

80% of resumes get rejected in less than 11 seconds by recruiters, and 75% of resumes are rejected before they reach the hiring manager. But if you have an internship training certificate mentioned in your resume, it will do wonders for you. It will make the recruiter pause and consider your profile in a new light. It will convey that you must have the right skills to perform the job in consideration.

Still don’t believe? Then let us convince you to join an industrial training course. Read the full blog to learn how 4/6 weeks/months industrial training will benefit your resume.

What Is Internship Training?

If you are wondering what is internship training, then let us give you the answer in the simplest words. An internship training program, or industrial training, is a structured program designed to provide students with practical work experience. It provides students with exposure to a particular industry or field.

An industrial training programme typically involves a combination of on-the-job training, classroom instruction, and mentorship. Industrial training courses can be offered by companies, organizations, and educational institutions.

Types of Internship Training Programs

There are many different types of internship training programs available. Some common types include:

➤ For-credit internships

These internships are offered by educational institutions and can be used to earn academic credit.

➤ Paid internships

These internships offer students a financial stipend for their work.

➤ Unpaid internships

These internships do not offer students a financial stipend, but they can still be valuable for gaining experience.

➤ Part-time internships

These internships are typically shorter in duration and require fewer hours of work per week.

➤ Full-time internships

These internships are typically longer in duration and require more hours of work per week.

Also read: Summer Training Program: Building Essential Soft Skills in Communication, Leadership, and Teamwork

How Does An Industrial Training Programme Impact Your Resume?

➤ Practical experience

A 6 month internship certificate added to your resume will tell recruiters that you have worked in the real world and gained the necessary practical skills. Recruiters are always looking for candidates who have prior work experience. If you have work experience, then it makes you a better candidate than someone who does not have it.

➤ Industry exposure

If you have an internship training certificate attached to your resume, then it is obvious that you already have industry exposure. You have worked in the corporate culture and are familiar with the work culture, norms, and etiquette. It also shows that you can endure the stress of working in the private sector. Recruiters want candidates with strong mental states who can perform their duties under pressure as well.

➤ Technical expertise

If you have the right technical skills, then who would want to reject you? And if you have undergone 4/6 weeks/months industrial training, then it’s like the cherry on top of the cake. Training reinforces your theoretical skills and makes them stronger. And what more does a recruiter want? For them, the ideal candidate is he/she who has practical skills along with theoretical ones.

➤ Soft skills mastery

An industrial training course also imparts soft skills training. Soft skills are as necessary as technical ones. Just imagine that you have the best coding skills but lack confidence. How will you represent yourself in front of the recruiter? How will you talk in the interview? If you have soft skills like communication, confidence, teamwork, decision-making, and leadership mentioned on your resume, then you have more chances of getting a callback.

➤ Stand out from the crowd

A company gets hundreds of job applications for a single job vacancy. Recruiters generally skim through resumes. A 6 month internship certificate in the relevant field will grab the recruiter’s attention and make them look at your resume more closely. Who knows, you might get a revert. If you want to shine like a beacon among the pile of resumes, then consider enrolling in an internship training program.

➤ Shows credibility

An internship training certificate portrays you as a credible candidate who is most suitable for the job role. It shows that you have the right skills to perform the job and justify it. Recruiters want the best employees for their organisations who will increase productivity and drive growth. If you have undergone 4/6 weeks/months industrial training, then it shows that you must have the skills that recruiters are looking for.

Where Can You Get Industrial Training Programmes?

We are sure that we have succeeded in convincing you about the benefits of industrial training courses for your resume. Now that you are convinced, you might want to know where you can get 4/6 weeks/months industrial training. Well, you don’t have to wander anywhere. You are already in the right place. KVCH is a leading provider of internship training programs. We offer industrial training programmes in many fields.

Whether you want to work in technical roles or non-technical roles, we have a training program for you. We offer 4/6 weeks/months industrial training to students. We have partnered with some of the leading organisations to help learners acquire practical skills by working in the real world. If you are looking for 6 month internship certificate programs, then KVCH is your reliable place to go.

Let's End It Here!

A recruiter spends an average of 6-7 seconds reading a resume. It can’t even be said to be reading; it’s more like skimming. You only have 7 seconds to make the recruiter consider you for the job role. And your resume will help you do that. A well-written and structured resume is essential. But everyone has it nowadays. AI tools can create compelling and attractive resumes. So, how will you make sure that you get noticed?

Adding an internship training certificate will uplift your resume and make it stand out among others. A 6 month internship certificate mentioned in your resume will portray you as a skilled and deserving candidate. So, if you want to grab the attention of recruiters and get more interview calls, consider joining an industrial training programme.