Is Your Corporate Learning Stuck in the Past 6 Signs It Needs an Upgrade

You are offering your employees training for skill development. Great! But have you ensured that those employees training programs are actually working? When was the last time you dug deep into the corporate training materials or the methods of staff learning and development your organisation is offering?

More than just enrolling your employees in corporate training courses is required. If you are witnessing no change in your employee’s productivity, then it’s high time you change your company’s training strategy. Are you unsure whether you need to change your training strategy? Then read this blog to recognise the 7 signs that will make you change your employee training strategy instantly.

Signs That Your Staff Learning And Development Needs To Evolve

➤ Your employees are uninterested in learning

Have you noticed lately that your employees are not at all enthusiastic about attending employee training classes? Do they make up excuses to not participate? If yes, then you definitely need to change your company’s training strategy. One in three workers feels that the training provided by their company is outdated.

In this case, senior managers must communicate with the employees and discuss the reason for their lack of interest. If necessary, they must change the mode of learning.

➤ There is no improvement in employee performance

Employees training programs USA are meant to impart skills that will improve their performance and lead to increased productivity. If this is not happening in your organisation, then it’s time to change your company’s training strategy. You can talk with your employees and get their feedback about why the existing employees training program is not yielding the desired results.

➤ Your employees are leaving you

According to 94% of employees, an essential policy that would convince them to stay with the company is training and development. - Clear Company

If you are experiencing high employee turnover, then chances are that your poor staff learning and development programs are the reason behind it. When an employee finds ample growth opportunities in their existing workplace, they are more likely to stay there for a long time. If the opposite is happening at the organisation, consider transforming your company’s training strategy.

Any business's ability to retain employees is essential to its growth. It’s actually more costly to hire a new employee than to train an existing one. If their employer supported their professional growth, 45% of employees would stay on the job longer.

➤ Your employees are not engaging with the course

Merely 29% of workers express "high satisfaction" with the existing career growth prospects offered by their company.

An employee needs to engage in corporate training courses to absorb the knowledge and skills. Employee engagement can be seen when they actively participate in every activity, when they complete their tasks, when they ask questions, and when they show genuine curiosity. If your employees are doing none of these, then you need to change your company’s training strategy.

➤ Your corporate training courses are not flexible

Employees like to study or train at their own pace, according to 58% of those surveyed. -LinkedIn Learning, 2021

If the employees training programs at your organisation are conducted at a fixed time and location, it will hamper their work. Your employees would forsake their work to attend the training sessions and then work long hours to complete the pending work.

The solution to this problem can be to incorporate a blended mode for providing training. Remote training can be one way of imparting the necessary training virtually. 27% of small businesses use virtual classrooms and blended learning strategies. (Training Magazine, 2019)

85% of workers desire to select training sessions that work with their schedules.

➤ Your courses have complex training content

93% of employees want easy-to-complete training, and 91% want their training to be personalized and relevant.

You need to change your company’s training strategy if your learning material is highly complex and outdated. Your employees will not find the training effective if they find it extremely hard to decipher the course material. The course content must be easy to understand and keep up with. Easy course content can be easily understood, which facilitates faster completion of the employees training program.

How To Ensure That Your Company’s Training Strategy Works In The First Place?

Changing the training strategy can cost money and devour precious time. Therefore, it is advisable to implement a well-planned training strategy. Following are some steps you can follow to implement a precise employees training program:

  • ➤ Clearly understanding the skill gaps of existing employees
  • ➤ Matching training goals with organisational goals
  • ➤ Choosing customized corporate training courses
  • ➤ Making certain that the course material is current and relevant
  • ➤ Choosing a flexible schedule for training sessions
  • ➤ Ensuring that employees are satisfied with the course structure
  • ➤ Constantly encouraging and motivating employees
  • ➤ Calculating the ROI by conducting tasks and tests
  • ➤ Keeping an eye on the productivity levels of employees post-completion of the course

Also read - What is Corporate Training and Why is it Important to Train employees?

KVCH Comes To The Rescue

If you think that your company’s training strategy is faltering and not delivering the right results, then worry not! Let KVCH’s corporate training experts take over and provide you with a robust training strategy. With a blend of on-site and remote training, we ensure that your employees keep pace with the training and do not see it as a burden.

We start by understanding your organization's goals and objectives. We then move on to measuring the skill gap of your existing employees. After thoroughly understanding their career growth needs, we formulate a course strategy. We match your organisation’s needs to employee’s needs. Our corporate training instructors create a customised course curriculum that is easy to understand and includes the latest industry trends.

Connect with our corporate training counselors to get a training strategy that offers the results you are looking for.

Final Words

Staff learning and development programs are crucial for their growth. It is also one of the most crucial factors for employee retention. Retention rates rise 30-50% for companies with strong learning cultures. If you notice that your current training programs are unable to deliver the desired results, then it's time to change your company’s training strategy. Don’t waste your time and money on ineffective and outdated corporate training programs. Implement the necessary changes to make your employees more productive and smart.