How to Structure an Effective Employee Onboarding Program?

Organisations with strong employee onboarding can increase retention by 82%. - Brandon Hall Group

You know know the saying goes, that the first impression is the last. This holds true in the case of a new hire joining the company. A new employee will judge your company based on his/her first day. If they feel neglected and alienated on their very first day, they might soon look for other opportunities elsewhere. And how is this going to impact your organisation? Well, you have to shoulder the burden of employee turnover.

Employee onboarding is a crucial step when a new employee joins the organisation. Unfortunately, HR professionals in many organisations tend to overlook this and completely let go of the onboarding process. Some HRs think that merely completing the paperwork and giving a brief introduction is all that an employee onboarding program includes.

But how long should the onboarding process take? Most human resources professionals who have undergone onboard training would say at least three months. Only 11% of companies have employee onboarding programs that take three months or more to complete at the moment.

This blog will look at the steps that make an effective employee onboarding program. We will also look at how onboard training can help HR professionals carry out a successful onboarding process.

What Is An Employee Onboarding Program?

Simply put, an employee onboarding program or process is the set of steps that are taken to welcome a new hire. This process ensures that the new employee is introduced to co-workers, the team they will be working on, company rules and regulations, their day-to-day duties, and so on. The primary motive of employee onboarding is to make the new employee feel welcome in the organisation and mingle with others.

The belief that employee onboarding is a one-day task is utterly wrong. Employee onboarding starts way before the employee has joined the company and continues well after the employee is settled. The employee onboarding program varies from organisation to organisation. At some, it spans from a week to three months, while at others, it might continue for a year.

But what makes an onboarding process effective? What are exactly the steps that will help you make an employee feel welcome and enthusiastic about work? Let’s take a sneak peek into the steps that make an employee onboarding program effective.

The Process Of An Effective Employee Onboarding Program

➤ Welcome preparations

The best way to start the onboarding process is to send a personalised welcome message to the new employee. The message can be a short email mentioning how happy you are to have the employee on the team. Additionally, you can send the employee some small gifts like a diary, pen, water bottle, etc. This shows that you are excited to have the employees and are looking forward to working with them.

➤ Prepping their workplace

To make the employee feel comfortable and familiar, ensure that their workspace is determined and made ready. Prepare their laptop or desktop with the required software. Add a nameplate, plant, or personal touch to make it feel welcoming. Also, stock their desk with necessary supplies, documents, and company information.

➤ Introductions and connections

Take some time to introduce the new hire to co-workers and members from other departments. Although the new employee might not remember every name, they will get a fair overview of whom to approach for a certain task. You can schedule a casual lunch for them to meet colleagues across departments. Organise fun activities, if possible, to break the ice and encourage team bonding.

➤ Training and Development

The first week must focus on employee training and development. Do not rush into anything. Even though the employee has performed similar duties elsewhere, differences are bound to occur. Therefore, it's best that you assign the new hire a mentor from the same department who can answer their queries or have an in house staff training program in place that can help them become familiar with their duties.

Also read - Can You Afford Untrained Employees? The Price Tag Might Surprise You

➤ Following Up

Taking follow-ups is the most important step in a successful employee onboarding program. Make sure that you do 30, 60, and 90-day check-ins with the new employee. Even though the employee is performing well, you must evaluate their work. Follow-ups also facilitate communication with the employee and get feedback on their journey until now and any improvements in the onboarding process.

Why Do Some Employee Onboarding Programs Fail?

➤ Insufficient resources

Onboarding often requires time, materials, and dedicated personnel. Without enough resources, the program can feel rushed, disorganised, and overwhelming for new hires.

➤ Unclear goals and objectives

the program doesn't have defined goals and objectives, so it's difficult to measure its success or ensure it's addressing the needs of new hires.

➤ Information overload

Bombarding new hires with too much information at once can overwhelm them and make it difficult to retain key details.

➤ Isolation and lack of belonging

Without opportunities to connect with colleagues, managers, and other team members, new hires can feel isolated and unsure of where they fit in.

➤ Uninvolved managers

Managers who are too busy or disengaged from the onboarding process can leave new hires feeling unsupported and unsure of who to turn to for help.

➤ Unclear expectations and feedback

Without clear expectations and regular feedback, new hires may struggle to understand what's expected of them and whether they're performing well.

➤ Ignoring diverse learning styles

Not everyone learns the same way. A one-size-fits-all approach to onboarding may not be effective for all new hires.

➤ Focusing on paperwork over purpose

Onboarding shouldn't just be about filling out forms and checking boxes. It should be about helping new hires understand the company's mission and values, and how their work contributes to its overall success.

How Does Onboard Training Can Enhance Your Onboarding Process?

Do you know that 36% of employers don’t have a structured onboarding process? If you are also struggling with your onboarding process and facing a high employee turnover ratio, then it’s time to provide your human resources professionals with onboard training. This training can be in house staff training or you can hire experts that can train your HR professionals.

Onboard training can help you formulate a clear employee onboarding strategy. If you are looking for an onboard training or in house staff training provider, then look no further than KVCH. Connect with us today to revamp your employee onboarding program.

Key Takeaways

An effective employee onboarding strategy is your weapon for retaining an employee in the long run. Only 12% of US employees say their organisation has a good onboarding process. Provide your HR professionals with onboard training to ensure that your organisation has an effective onboarding process in place.

A good onboarding process starts with sending out personalised messages to the new employee, setting up their workspace, and making necessary introductions. This is followed by providing training to equip the employee with the skills to perform his/her duties. The onboarding process is an ongoing procedure until the employee is well-settled in his/her position. Ensure that your employees feel welcomed and valued on their first day with a strategic employee onboarding program.